Is Cameron Boyce gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Cameron Boyce.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Cameron Boyce is heterosexual / straight

Do you like Cameron Boyce?

Cameron Boyce gaydar

According to 2732 visitors Cameron Boyce is 69% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Cameron Boyce has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Cameron Boyce?

not gay -
- gay


  @ 2012-05-20 30 up,62 down
Cameron is so hot... And not gay!
  Heaven @ 2012-06-17 22 up,57 down
He is HOT! and very UN-GAY!!
  austin @ 2012-06-21 73 up,30 down
cameron is hot....hope he is atleast bi ;)
  Jessie @ 2012-07-09 83 up,31 down
Cameron Boyce is gay, watch in a few years he comes out.
  Michael @ 2012-08-15 28 up,41 down
I was kinda hoping that he was at least bi but I don't think he's gay.
  Justin @ 2012-10-19 53 up,21 down
I hope he's at least bi, He's cute c:
  @ 2012-11-11 36 up,9 down
he's cool
  coolkid @ 2012-11-26 49 up,22 down
what the f... wrong with y'all he's totally gay just look at how he acts and it's not fake because why would it even be in his script
  mr. cipling @ 2013-01-30 40 up,17 down
Cameron is one beautiful kid, so so so so hot. i hope that he's gay or bi...
  kare @ 2013-02-08 39 up,14 down
Cameron Boyce is so hot I want to kiss him

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