Is Noah Mills gay or straight?

Here you find the sexual orientation of Noah Mills.
Do you disagree? Please Inform us.

Noah Mills is heterosexual / straight

Do you like Noah Mills?

Noah Mills gaydar

According to 1582 visitors Noah Mills is 75% gay.
The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Noah Mills has been voted highly gay.

Please vote! How gay is Noah Mills?

not gay -
- gay


  @ 2012-01-31 22 up,3 down
That photograph is so gay. No doubt in my mind that he's queer.
  @ 2012-02-12 23 up,0 down
By far the gayest !!!
  @ 2012-02-22 27 up,1 down
If "manly" means filling yourself with lots of man, then yes, Noah Mills is very "manly".
Otherwise you can always just look at him on any picture and see for yourself that he is very, very gay.
  @ 2012-02-22 24 up,2 down
I know that Noah is gay, no female models likes him, girls who knows him very better, he's 100% gay
  @ 2012-02-23 26 up,2 down
i knew Noah was a bottom- -- surely not a top...
  @ 2012-02-25 23 up,1 down
Just a sissy accprding to some girls who do know her (or him)
  @ 2012-02-25 30 up,1 down
The guy is gay. No amount of delusional straight voting will make him like girls, so just give it up.
  @ 2012-02-25 26 up,1 down
Defend him against what? The truth? If Noah personally told you that he was gay, would support him too? Because it sure sounds like you think gay is some form of "insult" towards him. When it's not. It's just what he is.
  @ 2012-02-26 24 up,0 down
self-confidence is a good thing I agreee with that, being arrogant is a different thing, i see it as a negative thing
he cant call haters his colleagues that they are as successful as him or more...that's nonsense. Yes he seems nice if you dont know him but he reveals soon his attitude...even just through messages and emails...
if all misunderstand him then he should change the way he acts with ppl. all of us do make mistakes he cant be the only one that is perfect...
  @ 2012-02-26 32 up,0 down
the messages and all the rest are true is not being cruel or guess anything... anyway dear me blind ... WAKE UP IF YOU ARE A GIRL with more than 14 y.o it seems you're very childish....
as for the Links I wont do in my main sites, but I will do in other isites and posts the links.... NO MATTER WHAT SUCH IMMATURE PEOPE COULD SAY... CRUEL TO ME??... BE LESS NAIVE 'ME' BY THE WAY YOU'RE ANONYMOUS TOO... !!
  @ 2012-02-26 26 up,0 down
let's stop this -- its clear that this is not your place
it wasnt me that defined him douches
If i revealed something of a private conversation there is a reason....the person that dont respect ppl is Noah not me
You see a person that simply dont exist so let's keep on dreaming

Your place is twitter or to make your request approved in his facebook account...

I hope that with that we stop this argument because ppl would would be bored of this meaningless argument...

So much better and entertaining the story of Noah and Adam.. so please if the guy is still here I would love to hear more...:)
  @ 2012-02-26 25 up,2 down
Oh come on. You're just hot for him like the rest of us. Men and women alike - we all want Noah. Problem is - as a woman you'll NEVER get him. :P

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